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Selasa, 05 Maret 2019

Chemical Engineering ??

Hi friends, as i told in my last post. I’d like to tell you the college story of chemical engineering in polinema part 2. Before i get into the main topic i want to tell you a common question that probably asked by everyone.

Why Am I Choosing To Be a Chemical Engineering ?

There is no spesific reason for this question for me but i had a reason. When i was in senior high school. I was looking for my passion for 1 year before i graduated. I  do like physics and math. I had been asking my acquitance and do a research of my passion. After that i found some interesting major of some university. There were industrial engineering and chemical engineering.  

Image result for industrial engineering vs chemical engineering
Source :

Industrial engineers use specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results obtained from systems and processes. while chemical engineering is involved in many aspects of plant design and operation, including safety and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, control engineering, chemical reaction engineering, biological engineering, construction specification, and operating instructions. Chemical engineering degree is directly linked with all the majors of various engineering disciplines.

So Chemical and industrial engineers both work in production. Chemical engineers focus on chemical manufacturing processes, while industrial engineers aim to make all production more efficient.

As i told in my first story about me. i applied to the University in Jakarta as Industrial Engineers and The Polytechnic in Malang as Chemical Engineers. Both of them was accepted me as a newcomer so I must decide which one I should take. My final decision was Polytechnic of malang because i also looked on the prospect and carriers.

chemical engineer will be involved in the design and development of a diverse range of products. Your work will focus on changing the chemical, biochemical and physical state of a substance to turn it into something else

Image result for energy

You can work in a variety of industries including:
  • energy
  • food and drink
  • oil and gas
  • pharmaceuticals
  • plastics
  • toiletries
  • water treatment
  • etc
For me it is really awesome 😁, and im really grateful that i can be a chemical engineering

In the next post i will explain the part 2 of day in college, thank you for visiting this post, i hope you like it.


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