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Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

Chemical Engineering Subjects PART 1

Hi friends, as i told in my last post. I’d like to tell you about the subjects of chemical engineering at diploma degree in Polinema

Here are the subjects in semester 1
Subjects Semester 1


Basic mathematics is nothing but the simple or basic concept related with mathematics. Generally, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called the basic math operation. The subjects is focusing on chemical engineering user so it would be used for chemical engineering instruments. It is really important to learn the math equations to avoid any trouble that could exist on the instruments. There is no recommended book but you can surf it on internet to solve one of the questions by typing it to google

How to Googling it !

It may be helping you to know how to answer the questions, well there are so many ways to get into the rome. 


Physical Chemistry is the combination of physics and chemistry subject which are focusing on mechanism of chemistry on physical way. It is concerned with the application of the techniques and theories of physics to the study of chemical systems. The college would be understand how to solve the physical problems that exist on chemical instruments. There are so many books that could be helping you to do the subjects better like Robert G. MortimerRaymond Chang , etc.

Image result for physical chemistry
Physical Chemistry book


Basic Physics is the natural science that studies the matter and its motion and behaviour through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force. The subjects is not really related on the chemical engineering vision but some of the materies is important, it would lead you to know how to measure the energy capacity, the conversations, etc


ATK is Azas Teknik Kimia which is the basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering. This subjects is focusing on M. Himmelblau book Series. 

Image result for basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering review

This book has all the right guides, exercises and examples to make you learn the basic concepts in the calculation involved in chemical processes. So you don't have to worry to not understand the subjects.
As long as you can placing yourself to read the manual of the basic concepts. it could be easier to solve the exercises. There is also the solutions to answer the exercises in this book ( Solution Book ). 


Bio process is a subject on specific process that uses complete living cells or their components (e.g., bacteria, enzymes, chloroplasts) to obtain desired products. Transport of energy and mass is fundamental to many biological and environmental processes. It is same matery as biology but focusing on the process. There are a lot of literatures that you could find on internet so do your own research :). This subject is really important for your thesis or experiment that involve with bacteria or microorganism like waste water treatment, purification and energy production.


Ohh i love practical experiments :). This is the one of the practical experiment subjects at chemical engineering on diploma degree. There are a lot of experiments involving to the chemical reactions. For the first time you would be guided by the lecture or technician from the laborator about the safety procedure. of course when you are the college student you have to prepare the knowledge about the rules of using laboratorium on internet. 

Image result for laboratorium polinema teknik kimia
Laboratorium in the Polinema

The purpose of a lab practical typically is to assess a student’s ability to collect and analyze data. These assessments tend to be more technique-based than problem solving-based. The purpose of a lab practicum is to assess a student’s understanding of the content by completing a hands-on challenge. These assessments focus more on problem-solving skills than technique.


Image result for bioproses praktikum teknik kimia polinema
Bioprocess Laboratorium

This is the one of challenging experiments in chemical engineering subjects. As i told before Bio process is a subject on specific process that uses complete living cells or their components to obtain desired products. i do remember how i got the streptococcus sp. for making a yogurt. in this practicum to be sterile is a must. If you didn't do the experiment procedure in sterile way, it may be contaminated by the other bacteria whether in the air or from your breath. there is a uv room that could helping you to keep sterile while you do the experiment. 

For the next post i'll tell you about chemical engineering subjects Part 2. I hope you enjoy my blog. Thank you


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