Isagraha CE

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Selasa, 19 Maret 2019

Maret 19, 2019

Liquefaction Process (on LNG Plant)

Source : Youtube

In physics and chemistry, the form of solid or gas to liquid (melting, condensation, respectively) may be referred to as liquefaction. The liquefaction point is the temperature and pressure at which a solid becaomes a liquid. In industrial the process of condensing a gas to liquid is sometimes referred to as liquifaction of gases.


Senin, 18 Maret 2019

Maret 18, 2019

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Process

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Source : Student Energy

Methane has a very low density and is therefore costly to transport and store. High pressure gas pipelines can be used to transport gas on land or for short ocean crossings. Liquefying natural gas makes it feasible to transport gas economically across oceans or in a few applications by truck to small scattered consumers.  LNG occupies 600 times less space than the gas, but must be kept at temperatures below 160 degrees celsius and be pressurised.  At the receiving terminal, LNG is unloaded and stored before being regasified and transported by pipe to the end-users.


Jumat, 08 Maret 2019

Maret 08, 2019

Natural gas upgrading using a fluorinated MOF with tuned H2S and CO2 adsorption selectivity

Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium. There are so many ways to efficency increase the production of LNG. but the process used to upgrade natural gas, biogas and refinery-off-gas directly influences the cost of producing the fuel and often requires complex separation strategies and operational systems to remove contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Here we report a fluorinated metal–organic framework (MOF), AlFFIVE-1-Ni, that allows simultaneous and equally selective removal of CO2 and H2S from CH4-rich streams in a single adsorption step. The simultaneous removal is possible for a wide range of H2S and CO2 compositions and concentrations of the gas feed. Pure component and mixed gas adsorption, single-crystal X-ray diffraction and molecular simulation studies were carried out to elucidate the mechanism governing the simultaneous adsorption of H2S and CO2. The results suggest that concurrent removal of CO2 and H2S is achieved via the integrated favourable sites for H2S and CO2 adsorption in a confined pore system. This approach offers the prospect of simplifying the complex schemes for removal of acid gases.

DFT-geometry optimized pure and binary gas loaded structures
a,b, Views of CO2-loaded AlFFIVE-1-Ni with optimized position of CO2 in the structure. Yellow polyhedra represent AlF5²⁻ pillars, whereas other atoms follow the CPK colouring scheme. c,d, Views of H2S-loaded AlFFIVE-1-Ni structure with optimized position of H2S. e,f, The co-adsorbed CO2-H2S-loaded AlFFIVE-1-Ni with their respective optimized positons.
DFT-geometry optimized pure and binary gas loaded structures a,b, Views of CO2-loaded AlFFIVE-1-Ni with optimized position of CO2 in the structure. Yellow polyhedra represent AlF5²⁻ pillars, whereas other atoms follow the CPK colouring scheme. c,d, Views of H2S-loaded AlFFIVE-1-Ni structure with optimized position of H2S. e,f, The co-adsorbed CO2-H2S-loaded AlFFIVE-1-Ni with their respective optimized positons.

 MOF adsorbents with the ability to simultaneously remove H2S and CO2 from gas mixtures containing CO2, H2S and CH4 for a wide range of temperatures, concentrations and compositions. The ability to simul-taneously remove two acid gases with different physical properties (CO2 and H2S) is a distinctive property of AlFFIVE-1-Ni adsorbent. The MOFs presented in our study can provide a very simple alter-native solution to existing complex and costly technologies used for the cyclic removal of acid gases (H2S, CO2) at different com-positions. This study further highlights the uniqueness of MOF adsorbents, where their intrinsic properties and functionalities can be fine tuned to address a given application. Work is in progress to structure and shape these fluorinated MOFs, and then explore  and test them for NG upgrading in miniaturized pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and pressure–temperature swing adsorption (PTSA) systems.

Source : Youssef Belmabkhout, Prashant M. Bhatt


Selasa, 05 Maret 2019

Maret 05, 2019

Chemical Engineering ??

Hi friends, as i told in my last post. I’d like to tell you the college story of chemical engineering in polinema part 2. Before i get into the main topic i want to tell you a common question that probably asked by everyone.

Why Am I Choosing To Be a Chemical Engineering ?

There is no spesific reason for this question for me but i had a reason. When i was in senior high school. I was looking for my passion for 1 year before i graduated. I  do like physics and math. I had been asking my acquitance and do a research of my passion. After that i found some interesting major of some university. There were industrial engineering and chemical engineering.  

Image result for industrial engineering vs chemical engineering
Source :

Industrial engineers use specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results obtained from systems and processes. while chemical engineering is involved in many aspects of plant design and operation, including safety and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, control engineering, chemical reaction engineering, biological engineering, construction specification, and operating instructions. Chemical engineering degree is directly linked with all the majors of various engineering disciplines.

So Chemical and industrial engineers both work in production. Chemical engineers focus on chemical manufacturing processes, while industrial engineers aim to make all production more efficient.

As i told in my first story about me. i applied to the University in Jakarta as Industrial Engineers and The Polytechnic in Malang as Chemical Engineers. Both of them was accepted me as a newcomer so I must decide which one I should take. My final decision was Polytechnic of malang because i also looked on the prospect and carriers.

chemical engineer will be involved in the design and development of a diverse range of products. Your work will focus on changing the chemical, biochemical and physical state of a substance to turn it into something else

Image result for energy

You can work in a variety of industries including:
  • energy
  • food and drink
  • oil and gas
  • pharmaceuticals
  • plastics
  • toiletries
  • water treatment
  • etc
For me it is really awesome 😁, and im really grateful that i can be a chemical engineering

In the next post i will explain the part 2 of day in college, thank you for visiting this post, i hope you like it.


Senin, 04 Maret 2019

Maret 04, 2019

Molecular scissors for plastic waste

Plastics are excellent materials: extremely versatile and almost eternally durable. But this is also exactly the problem, because after only about 100 years of producing plastics, plastic particles are now found everywhere -- in groundwater, in the oceans, in the air, and in the food chain. Around 50 million tonnes of the industrially important polymer PET are produced every year. Just a tiny fraction of plastics is currently recycled at all by expensive and energy-consuming processes which yield either downgraded products or depend in turn on adding 'fresh' crude oil.

The enzyme MHETase is a huge and complex molecule. MHET-molecules from PET plastic dock at the active site inside the MHETase and are broken down into their basic building blocks.

( Credit: Copyright M. Künsting/HZB )

In 2016, a group of Japanese researchers has discovered a bacterium that grows on PET and partially feeds on it. They found out that his bacterium possesses two special enzymes, PETase and MHETase, which are able to digest PET plastic polymers. PETase breaks down the plastic into smaller PET building blocks, primarily MHET, and MHETase splits this into the two basic precursor building blocks of PET, terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. Both components are very valuable for synthesising new PET without the addition of crude oil -- for a closed sustainable production and recovery cycle.

In April 2018, the structure of PETase was finally solved independently by several research groups, the Diamond Light Source was also involved in the experiments. However, PETase is only part of the solution. It is equally important to characterize the structure of the second enzyme, MHETase.

"MHETase is considerably larger than PETase and even more complex. A single MHETase molecule consists of 600 amino acids, or about 4000 atoms. MHETase has a surface that is about twice as large as the surface of PETase and has therefore considerably more potential to optimise it for decomposition of PET," explains biochemist and structural biologist Dr. Gert Weber from the joint Protein Crystallography research group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin. During an interim professorship at the University of Greifswald, Weber there contacted the biotechnologist Prof. Uwe Bornscheuer at the Institute of Biochemistry, who was already involved with plastic-degrading enzymes. Together, they developed the idea of solving the structure of MHETase and then using this insight to optimise the enzyme for applications in PET recycling. To do this, they first had to extract the enzyme from bacterial cells and purify it. Within this collaboration, the teams have now succeeded in obtaining the complex three-dimensional architecture of MHETase at BESSY II, the synchrotron source at HZB in Berlin.

"In order to see how MHETase binds to PET and decomposes it, you need a fragment of plastic that binds to MHETase but is not cleaved by it," explains Weber. A member of Weber's prior research team in Greifswald, Dr. Gottfried Palm, cut up a PET bottle, chemically decomposed the PET polymer and synthesised a small chemical fragment from it that binds to MHETase but can no longer be cleaved by it. From this 'blocked' MHETase, tiny crystals were grown for structural investigations at the HZB. "The structural investigations enabled us to watch MHETase virtually 'at work' and develop strategies for how to optimise this enzyme," explains Weber.

"Thanks to the joint research group format, we have the means to offer beamtime access on the highly demanded BESSY II MX beamlines for measurements very quickly at any time," says Dr. Manfred Weiss, who is responsible for the BESSY II MX beamlines. The three-dimensional architecture of MHETase actually displays some special features: enzymes such as MHETase bind to their target molecule first before a chemical reaction occurs. For breakdown of a molecule you need a tailor-made enzyme: "We can now exactly localise where the MHET molecule docks to MHETase and how MHET is then split into its two building blocks terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol," says Weber.

However, neither PETase nor MHETase are particularly efficient yet. "Plastics have only been around on this scale for a few decades -- even bacteria with their rapid successions of generations and rapid adaptability have not managed to develop a perfect solution through the evolutionary process of trial and error over such a short time," explains Weber. "Thanks to the clarification of the structure of this very important enzyme, we have now also been able to plan, produce and biochemically characterise variants that show significantly higher activity than natural MHETase and are even active against another intermediate product of PET degradation, BHET," adds Uwe Bornscheuer.

In future, Uwe Bornscheuer will work on systematically optimising the enzymes PETase and MHETase for their task -- the decomposition of PET. Gert Weber plans to supplement these studies with further work on biological structures in order to systematically develop plastic-digesting enzymes for environmental applications. Access to the measuring stations and the IT infrastructure of HZB is indispensable for this.

Producing these kinds of enzymes in closed biotechnological cycles, for example, could be a way to really break down PET plastics and other polymers into their basic building blocks. This would also be the key to ideal recycling and a long-term solution to the plastic waste problem: production of plastic would be a closed cycle and no longer dependent on crude oil.

Source :


Jumat, 01 Maret 2019

Maret 01, 2019

Innovation of Batik Waste Processing Treatment

Batik and textile are the cultural heritage of the country in Indonesia that has so much benefits, but it could harm the environment if the waste water is not treated properly. it is formed by the processing of colouring batik and water mixture. 

Image result for limbah batik pekalongan jepang

There are several methods that are well used, including absorption, activated sludge systems and bioremediation. However, this system is not guaranteed in sustainability and is not practical in its application. 

In this case, membranes can be used to answer this problem. There are several types of membranes commonly used in waste treatment, namely membrane microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis. Microfiltration and ultrafiltration are the simplest methods and have a low operating pressure, but pollutants still can passing at these 2 stages so they are only suitable for initial processing. 

   Image result for bioremediation

Nano filtration and ultrafiltration are superior in producing pure permeate, but if the bait with high concentration fouling will occur so that there are bait requirements that must be fulfilled so that the filtering on this membrane becomes good. There are several advantages and disadvantages in each membrane, for this reason proper membrane selection is needed. To answer the lack of membranes, several studies have been conducted in the use of hybrid membranes. In some studies, the use of several membranes in a system will increase the efficiency of the process and produce a better permeate and answer some problems that cannot be solved by using only one type of membrane.


Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

Februari 28, 2019

Chemical Engineering Subjects PART 1

Hi friends, as i told in my last post. I’d like to tell you about the subjects of chemical engineering at diploma degree in Polinema

Here are the subjects in semester 1
Subjects Semester 1


Basic mathematics is nothing but the simple or basic concept related with mathematics. Generally, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called the basic math operation. The subjects is focusing on chemical engineering user so it would be used for chemical engineering instruments. It is really important to learn the math equations to avoid any trouble that could exist on the instruments. There is no recommended book but you can surf it on internet to solve one of the questions by typing it to google

How to Googling it !

It may be helping you to know how to answer the questions, well there are so many ways to get into the rome. 


Physical Chemistry is the combination of physics and chemistry subject which are focusing on mechanism of chemistry on physical way. It is concerned with the application of the techniques and theories of physics to the study of chemical systems. The college would be understand how to solve the physical problems that exist on chemical instruments. There are so many books that could be helping you to do the subjects better like Robert G. MortimerRaymond Chang , etc.

Image result for physical chemistry
Physical Chemistry book


Basic Physics is the natural science that studies the matter and its motion and behaviour through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force. The subjects is not really related on the chemical engineering vision but some of the materies is important, it would lead you to know how to measure the energy capacity, the conversations, etc


ATK is Azas Teknik Kimia which is the basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering. This subjects is focusing on M. Himmelblau book Series. 

Image result for basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering review

This book has all the right guides, exercises and examples to make you learn the basic concepts in the calculation involved in chemical processes. So you don't have to worry to not understand the subjects.
As long as you can placing yourself to read the manual of the basic concepts. it could be easier to solve the exercises. There is also the solutions to answer the exercises in this book ( Solution Book ). 


Bio process is a subject on specific process that uses complete living cells or their components (e.g., bacteria, enzymes, chloroplasts) to obtain desired products. Transport of energy and mass is fundamental to many biological and environmental processes. It is same matery as biology but focusing on the process. There are a lot of literatures that you could find on internet so do your own research :). This subject is really important for your thesis or experiment that involve with bacteria or microorganism like waste water treatment, purification and energy production.


Ohh i love practical experiments :). This is the one of the practical experiment subjects at chemical engineering on diploma degree. There are a lot of experiments involving to the chemical reactions. For the first time you would be guided by the lecture or technician from the laborator about the safety procedure. of course when you are the college student you have to prepare the knowledge about the rules of using laboratorium on internet. 

Image result for laboratorium polinema teknik kimia
Laboratorium in the Polinema

The purpose of a lab practical typically is to assess a student’s ability to collect and analyze data. These assessments tend to be more technique-based than problem solving-based. The purpose of a lab practicum is to assess a student’s understanding of the content by completing a hands-on challenge. These assessments focus more on problem-solving skills than technique.


Image result for bioproses praktikum teknik kimia polinema
Bioprocess Laboratorium

This is the one of challenging experiments in chemical engineering subjects. As i told before Bio process is a subject on specific process that uses complete living cells or their components to obtain desired products. i do remember how i got the streptococcus sp. for making a yogurt. in this practicum to be sterile is a must. If you didn't do the experiment procedure in sterile way, it may be contaminated by the other bacteria whether in the air or from your breath. there is a uv room that could helping you to keep sterile while you do the experiment. 

For the next post i'll tell you about chemical engineering subjects Part 2. I hope you enjoy my blog. Thank you


Selasa, 26 Februari 2019

Februari 26, 2019

Day in college in state polytechnic of malang Part 1

Hi friends, as i told in my last post. I’d like to tell you the college story of chemical engineering in polinema.

Malang is the second largest city in East Java. State Polythecnic of Malang, popularly known as Polinema (Politeknik Negeri Malang), is one of educational institutions that offer variety of courses both in the field of engineering and business. Currently, Polinema has 6 departments and 17 study programs, both diploma 3 and Diploma 4 programs. The education system in polinema focuses on preparing its graduates with the skills and competencies required by industry. The education system consist of theoretical and practical content courses, which construct respectively 40% and 60% of the coverage, delivered in the competency-based curricullum.


I took diploma 3 program as chemical engineering major. In the first day, the students should attend the orientation day. The director of polinema would give a speech to welcoming us and give informations about the rules and events. New students have to obey every single event to get a certificates and to join the college. One of them is 1 weeks military training. Military training is needed for students to create good attitude and discipline. It is really effectively creating a good habit to make student more decipline because the student have to used to be in underpressure situation. But don’t worry about it. We used to it after 3 days training. It was really great experience. We learned the role of team as well.

Military training ( Latihan Dasar Kemiliteran)

After the military training is over. The students have to join a college orientation in their own major. This event was introducing the organization of chemical engineering and the lectures. There were also so many games related to the major. There weren't individual games, those games was given to us for our consideration to be a team worker. In the last meeting of orientation day, all of us got a make up powder (it was actually a carbon active) from elder college for celebrating and welcoming us.  It was challenging and interesting experience.

Orientation day

There are 6 semester in chemical engineering diploma 3 majoring. In the first semester, we have to brush up our knowledges from senior high school or vocational high school. I’ll explain those subjects in complete post (Click Here for the subject topics). From those subject, there are practical subjects such as basic chemistry laboratory and bioprocess laboratory on semester 1. Every subject has their own experiment task. Before we were going to do an experiment in laboratory, all we have to do were preparing formula and learning the safety. The college have to use laboratory coat, goggle, and laboratory mask. We have 3 to 5 hours to complete the experiments and also we have to make a report of the experiment result. The colleges must learn how to use laboratory stuffs to complete the experiments on time. But there is no need to worry about. We’ll guided by lecturer.

In the next post i will explain the part 2 of day in college, thank you for visiting this post, i hope you like it.


Jumat, 01 Februari 2019

Februari 01, 2019

About me

Hi friends, it is me...

My name is Issa, I am indonesian, I was born in a small city called kediri. Kediri is a city in the East Java that has a very famous peculiar Tofu. When I was 3 years old, I live in the small house with my parents and my brothers. I have 2 brothers and I am twin with my older brother. After i was 5 years old, we moved to my grandmother’s house in pesantren. I got a pet from my father. It was a big fluffy cat. We named him TOM because Tom and Jerry Series was very popular on TV. Because of that, I really love a cat.

 My Cat

In 2003, I was 7 years old. I started to take primary school at SDN BANGSAL 4 with my brothers and we got the same class. My little brother also took the same school after 2 years later. All I did back then just playing and learning with my twin and my friends. I didn’t really remember but i felt very happy to be part of that school. After spending 6 years in primary school. I had choosen to be a front liner of LBB (Lomba Baris – Berbaris). We couldn’t win it but that was my first experience to join a competition. It was exhausting but it’s quite fun. In the last semester of primary school, i got 5th place of final scoring in the class. I was really happy with that.

LBB Competiton

After graduating primary school, I took a different Junior High School with my brothers. I entered to the Junior High School 3 in the Kediri (SMPN 3 Kediri). The first time I joined Junior High School, I got a test to decide which class i would take. It was only a written test and it had been taught by my teacher. So i could get on like a flow of water. After the test was over, they told us that the result would be announced tomorrow. In Junior High School 3 has a class system like an alphabet that are 2 special class which are “G” and “H” for the best score of the test. I was invited to the G class. I got new friends and They were really friendy. I took PMR (Palang Merah Remaja) as my extracurricular. The reasons that i joined PMR was just to avoid the radiaton of the sun because when flag ceremony held every monday i’ll not stand in front of the flag exposed by the sun. Nevertheless, i got new experience to do first aid. In the 4th semester, There was a LBB competition for every class in the junior high school. Once again i got front liner and the first time we won the 1st place. We celebrated it by eating a delicious fried chicken and ice cream in the mcdonalds.

Junior High School Photos

I graduated from Junior High School in 2012. I decided to continue my study in Senior High School St. Augustinus Kediri. Because there are a lot of professional teacher and it is the one of the most favorite school in kediri. In the first day, I got a test as same as junior high school test. I was choosen to be a part of national plus class and i met a best friend there. My best friend name is Yosafat. He always accompanied me whenever i went. There were lot of good moment in the senior high school. I took karate for the extracurricular because I just want to build a frame of mind to be more brave than before. It was quite challenging.

Karate Extracurricular

I went to school by bicycle because i didn’t have a driving license. In the Senior High School, I realized that I like a physhic lesson. So with my brother, I tried a IPA (scientific education) olympiad that held by a course. There were about 30+ participants. I got the 3rd place while my brother got 1st place. Unfortunately we didn’t got an certificate, but we got a merchandise and prize. Because of that. It motivated me to be better and better in learning physic. In the last semester i got 9th place of exam score. In the last meeting before graduation, one of my favorite teacher asking his students “ What is your dream ?”. So i said “ To be a chemical engineering”. I said those words without thinking. I was motivated by my father. Until then i applied to the University in Jakarta and The Polytechnic in Malang. Both of them was accepted me as a newcomer so I must decide which one I should take. My final decision was Polytechnic of malang.

Okay, i think that is all i could tell for this post. In the next post i’ll tell you my story and experience of being a college in Polythecnic State of Malang. I hope that it will motivation and inspiration. Thank you
